Mapping and Modeling Harmful Algal Blooms
(8/17/2019 12:00:00 AM)
blooms are caused by a combination of several factors including water flow
intensity, water temperature, water mixing, amount of sunlight, and salinity
levels. See the figure below for an
explanation of the factors.

Example 1: Occurrences of
harmful algal blooms (HABs) associated with ocean environments in the South China
algal blooms (HABs) occur frequently in the South China Sea (SCS), causing
enormous economic losses in aquaculture. We analyzed historical HAB records
during the period from 1980 to 2003 in SCS. We found that HABs affected areas have
expanded and the frequency of
varied during this period. The seasonal and annual variations, as well as
causative algal species of HABs are different among the four regions. Areas
with frequent HABs include the Pearl River Estuary (China), the Manila Bay (the
Philippines), the Masinloc Bay (the Philippines), and the western coast of
Sabah (Malaysia). HABs occurred frequently during March–May in the northern
region of SCS, May–July in the eastern region, July in the western region, and
year-round in the southern region. Among the species that cause HABs, Noctiluca scintillans dominated in the
northern region, and Pyrodinium bahamense
in the southern and eastern regions. Causative species also varied in different
years for the entire SCS. Both P. bahamense
and N. scintillans were the dominant
species during 1980–2003. Some species not previously
formed blooms during 1991–2003, including Phaeocystis
globosa, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Mesodinium rubrum. Variations in HABs
are related to various regional conditions, such as a reversed monsoon wind in
the entire SCS, river discharges in the northern area, upwelling in Vietnam
coastal waters during southwest winds and near Malaysia coastal waters during
northeast winds, and eutrophication from coastal aquaculture in the Pearl River
estuary, Manila Bay, and Masinloc Bay.
Example 2: Remote sensing oceanography of a harmful
algal bloom off the coast of southeastern Vietnam
algal blooms (HABs) in the southeastern Vietnamese coastal waters have caused
large economic losses in aquaculture and wild fisheries in recent years;
however, there have been few oceanographic studies on these HAB events. The
present study reports an extensive HAB off southeastern Vietnamese waters
during late June to July 2002 with in situ observations and analyzes the
oceanographic conditions using satellite remote sensing data. The HAB had high
chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations (up to 4.5 mg m_3) occurring ~200 km off
the coast and ~200 km northeast of the Mekong River mouth for a period of ~6
weeks. The bloom was dominated by the harmful algae haptophyte Phaeocystis cf. globosa and caused a
very significant mortality of aquaculture fish and other marine life. In the
same period, sea surface temperature (SST) imagery showed a cold-water plume
extending from the coast to the open sea, and QuikScat data showed strong
southwesterly winds blowing parallel to the coastline. This study indicated that
the HAB was induced and supported by offshore upwelling that brings nutrients
from the deep ocean to the surface and from coastal water to offshore water and
that the upwelling was driven by strong wind through Ekman transport when winds
were parallel to the coastline. This study demonstrated the possibility of
utilizing a combination of satellite data of Chl a, SST, and wind velocity
together with coastal bathymetric information and in situ observations to give
a better understanding of the biological oceanography of HABs.
Example 3: Ideas of
application remote sensing techniques for algal bloom detection in marine
regions of Vietnam
Algal bloom is a rapid increase of the community of
algae. It can cause several negative impacts on environment and toxicity
effects. Therefore, detection of algal bloom considers of preventing
environment impacts. This paper reviewed the remote sensing techniques for
algal bloom detection from ocean color images, including peak shift, red tide
index and bio-optic methods. The paper also discussed the advantaged and
disadvantaged potential application in the case of Vietnamese waters. By the
results of testing algal bloom detection in the southern marine regions of
Vietnam, the paper suggested that the bio-optic method could be used, but it is
necessary to determinate the experiment constants of absorption and
back-scattering of specific algal species.
VIFEP (USAID workshop)