Climate Adaptation and Integration into Aquaculture Planning
(9/13/2019 12:00:00 AM)
Climate 101
The earth is warming at rates
unprecedented in our known history (IPCC 2014).
The current warming trend is highly likely to be caused by humans,
through the burning of fossilized plants that release old Carbon into the
atmosphere (IPCC 2014). The current
level of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has passed 400 parts per
million (ppm), are exceeding any geological records of CO2 known to exist (IPCC
2014). CO2 is an important part of the
Earth’s atmosphere, allowing energy from the sun to pass through to the earth,
while capturing some of the radiated heat making the earth habitable and
without massive temperature swings. We
are now adding much more CO2 to the atmosphere, leading to potential changes in
the ecosystem that may not be well understood (IPCC 2014). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), an international body focused on developing an objective, scientific
view of climate change, uses models and scenarios to project future climate change
impacts. The model outputs across the
various IPCC scenarios suggest that actual temperature change is moving above
even the highest scenario projections (IPCC 2014). Changes in precipitation patterns are also
likely to occur as a result of climate change (IPCC 2014).
Impacts to Southeast Asia
Warming trends and increasing
temperatures have already been observed across most of SE Asia (Hijoka et al.
2014). Precipitation changes are not as
consistent across the region, with some areas seeing more yearly rainfall with
other receiving less. Water scarcity is
expected to be an important issue in the region due to increased demand and
lack of good management (Hijoka et al. 2014).
Food production and food security in the region will vary with most
areas expected to experience a decline in productivity (Hijoka et al. 2014).
Coastal and marine systems are under increasing stress from both climate
and non-climatic drivers with projected sea level rise to result in significant
impacts to coastal ecosystems (Hijoka et al. 2014). Due to projected sea level rise,
approximately 1 million or so people along the coast of SE Asia are at risk
from flooding. Extreme climate events
will have an increasing impact on human health, security, livelihoods and
poverty that will vary across the region (Hijoka et al. 2014).
Development of approaches that allow
systems, species and people to adapt to a changing environment will be critical
to continuity in delivery of nature’s benefits.
Successful approaches to adaptation incorporate the notion of
vulnerability, identify and manage around uncertainty and build in complexity
to the decision process (Stein et. al. 2014).
Actions that increase either the resistance or resilience of natural
systems to the likely impacts of climate change will be important for
adaptation management (Stein et al. 2014).
Tools to increase resilience may include reducing existing non-climate
stressors, managing the system for function, protecting refugia and increasing
habitat connectivity and implementation of proactive management and restoration
plans (Stein et al. 2014).
Identification of the most vulnerable landscapes or species help the
manager prioritizes the areas/species for adaptation (Stein et al. 2014). Vulnerability is defined as the combination
of potential impact to the system plus the adaptive capacity of the system
(Stein et al. 2014). Potential impact is
a combination of how long a system/species is exposed to the stressor and the
sensitivity of the system/species to the stressor (Stein et al. 2014). Most vulnerability studies have good
information on potential impacts but understanding of adaptive capacity lags
behind (Thompson et al. 2015).
Climate and Aquaculture
Coastal wetlands and seagrass beds
sequester more carbon per unit area than most land-based ecosystems (Laffoley
and Grimsditch 2009). Further carbon
emissions from aquaculture facilities compared to wild fish and other foods is
significantly lower (Hall et al. 2011).
However, the global greenhouse gas contribution of fisheries, aquaculture
and their supply chain is poorly studied, albeit relatively small compared to
global emissions (Cochrane et. al. 2011).
Farmed aquatic organisms do no emit methane (a global greenhouse gas),
but some parts of the aquaculture system can emit GHG (Hall et al. 2011). Globally aquaculture production direct energy
use is relatively low, but aquaculture can contribute to GHG emissions
indirectly through the use of inputs such as feeds and inorganic fertilizers
(Hall et al. 2011). The modification of
land for aquaculture facilities can have some contributions to GHG emission as
a result in changes in soil, water and waste management (Hall et al
.2011). Transportation of aquaculture
products does contribute to GHG emissions (Hall et al. 2011). As best we can tell the aquaculture estimate
of CO2 emissions is about 1% of the global total and about 7% of the
agriculture total (Hall et al. 2011).
Some aquaculture systems have use significant amounts of energy, such
eel aquaculture with warm water recirculation and high intensity shrimp
farming, with aeration and pumping, contributing relatively higher amounts of
CO2 emission (Hall et al. 2011).
Depending on the type of systems that is being cultured, the impacts
that contribute to emissions, may include land change, feed, pond preparation
and pumping (Hall et al. 2011). Whether
the impacts of climate on various cultured systems could include decrease in
survival rate leading to lower yield (Hall et al. 2011).
Adaptation and Mitigation
Within the vulnerability framework,
the following measures could be taken to adapt aquaculture systems to climate
change. First, reduce the expose of the
system to climate impacts by implementing measures such as raising pond dykes,
upgrade pumps and sluices, maintain natural habitat or relocate to more
favorable areas (UN-FAO 2013). Second,
reduce the sensitivity to the system, but farming more tolerant species, reduce
dependence on wild caught seed, fishmeal and fish oil and diversify product
range and livelihoods (UN-FAO 2013).
Finally, increase the adaptive capacity of the system through better
weather forecasting, improved disease surveillance systems and for associations
and networks to pass along best management practices and processes (UN-FAO
2013). Biotechnology may offer some
solutions in the future including improved breeds and pathogen free/tolerant
species (UN-FAO 2013). However, many of
these technologies are still relatively expensive and not generally available
to the rural farmer (UN-FAO 2013).
Key Messages
Southeast Asia has a huge dependence
on aquatic systems for food and job security (Taylor et al. 2016). Climate stress is already here, with sea
level rise, rising temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns and shifts
in species ranges (IPCC 2014). Climate
change will cause disruptions to aquatic systems, to minimize the risk of
climate impacts, we should identify vulnerable systems, and develop adaptation
strategies. Negative impacts are
expected on productivity and viability of aquaculture operations and other
related agriculture sectors (DeSilva and Soto 2009; UN-FAO 2013). Climate impacts will be helped through
adaptation and mitigation approaches. In
the short-term non-climate related drivers have larger impacts (UN-FAO
2013). Current poor practices in
aquaculture undermine the health of the system by reducing resiliency to
climate change impacts (UN-FAO 2013).
Flexibility in management of aquaculture systems is necessary as no
prescriptive advice is available (UN-FAO 2013).
Aquaculture’s footprint is relatively small, but still changes can help,
such as transition to energy efficient approaches, elimination of practices
that reduce ability to sequester Carbon, and look for synergies with other
water use sectors (UN-FAO 2013).
Development of policy that favor climate smart approaches are likely to
help in mitigates potential impacts from climate (UN-FAO 2013).
Guidance on use of climate data
and projections
Climate data and projections are
critical components to adaptation planning, however using these data and
projections properly are the key to making informed decisions. First, incorporate uncertainty when
estimating future changes, i.e. do use projections for multiple future
projections and acknowledge that scenarios encompass a range of possible
outcomes (IPCC 2014). Do not average
across scenarios or assign likelihoods to the outcomes of any one
scenario. Second, not all general
circulation models at the global scale are equal and represent different
drivers of climate systems (Stoner et al. 2009). About 1/3 of the models are relatively good
everywhere, and about 1/3 are relatively poor everywhere (Stoner et al.
2009). In selecting models to use choose
multiple models and produce ensemble averages, resist the temptation to
identify the best model and eliminate poor models from the pool (IPCC
2014). Remember it is impossible to
predict the natural variability in the climate system but is possible to
identify the trends. Finally, a caution
on downscaling, not all downscaled model output is created equally, be cautious
about the choice of downscaling and the use to assure it meets the scale and
scope of your adaptation planning (Stoner et al. 2009).
VIFEP (USAID workshop )